A critical condition for the transition to a zero-carbon economy is the spread of efficient and environmentally sustainable electricity storage solutions, especially in the areas of e-mobility and the integration of weather-dependent renewable electricity production. State-of-the-art battery storage has great development potential in both areas all over the world. Hungary’s industrial, R&D traditions and capabilities are already outstanding in this field. The development of this sector can make the Hungarian battery industry a strategically important one in the Hungarian economy.
Since its establishment, ZKK plays a key role in coordinating the development of the Hungarian battery industry. On July 1, 2021, ZKK, in cooperation with the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, established the Hungarian Battery Industry Platform, which brings together more than sixty industrial, academic and public administration institutions. They began preparations to establish the Hungarian Battery Association. In this process, ZKK elaborated the concept of the Association, defining its goals and scope of activities.
On 20 December 2021, the Metropolitan Court of Budapest registered the Hungarian Accumulator Association with thirty-nine founding members. The establishment of the Hungarian Battery Association was the first significant step towards the realisation of the strategic objectives of the Hungarian battery industry. The aim of the Association is to represent the interests of the companies active in the Hungarian battery value chain and to promote the development and European integration of the Hungarian battery industry by ensuring professional cooperation between governmental and institutional bodies. The Association is now a member of the European Battery Alliance and cooperates with several international industry associations. The Alliance currently has 84 members.
The Association’s annual highlight event is the Hungarian Battery Day.
Professional leader: Fanni Mészáros, email: meszaros.fanni@hu-ba.hu
For further information, visit the Association’s website, and LinkedIn page!